New Balancer PCB and Kit
Bipolar High-Voltage Power Supply

Product Description

The PS-18's PCB is small, being only 4in by 4in, but it packs quite a wallop due to the large-valued capacitors used. Two RC-based pi filters smooth the bipolar DC outputs. The heater power supply is regulated, using an LDO regulator, LD1085, and can accept either a full-wave-bridge or voltage doubler or full-wave center-tapped rectifier configuration.
The high-voltage portion of the PS-18 power supply uses a high-speed solid-state full-wave bridge, center-tapped rectifier circuit and two simple RC filters to achieve fairly quiet bipolar output voltages, which can span up to ±400V (with the 450V capacitor option).
The PS-18 bipolar power-supply kits comes with either 470µF/250V or 150µF/400V capacitors. The PCB is made from the same high-standard extra-thick, 2oz copper, double-sided board, with solder masks and silk screen part placement labels on both sides. As one customer put it, "You could make a bullet-proof vest out of your PCBs." KIt includes everything needed to populate the PCB and includes four sets of hex standoffs and screws and O-rings.
Requires a power transformer with a center-tapped secondary.
Kit includes 20-page user guide.